Living Room Minimalist Explained: The Basics of a Living Room Setup

Living Room Minimalist Explained: The Basics of a Living Room Setup

Living Room Minimalist Explained: The Basics of a Living Room Setup
Living Room Setup

Before you can go do all the things that Living Room Minimalist suggest you (like setting up a minimalist room), you need to know first the basics of a living room setup. This article here will cover all of the basics of setting a living room up, so if you are interested in learning about how to plan the layout of your living room, then you should continue with this article.

A living room is a place where you gather around

And when people gather around, there has to be a communication or two between the people. Communication, while it is easy to do, can be made easier if the communicating parties are facing each other. From that statement alone, you should have known what you should do when you are setting up a room.

In case you did not understand what you need to do, you need to make sure that all communicating parties are facing each other. Do this by making two couches face each other or by putting the couches in an L-shape. By doing that, not only you are making things easy on your side (because making couches face each other is basically the simplest thing to do), you are making things easy for your guests as well.

This tip, however, will not work if you got a small living room (around 2.1 x 3m). If you got a small living room and you got two couches, you are better off picking one of them and storing or selling the other.  There is no way you can make two couches work in a living room as tiny as that.

Living Room Minimalist Explained: The Basics of a Living Room Setup

Diagonals can work for small or large living rooms

Diagonals here means setting your furniture in a diagonal manner. This method is a tried and tested method that can squeeze space out of your room. It is welcoming (at least people mentioned it was more welcoming than the traditional square layout).

If you got a large living room, do not leave too much space

A large living room is a very nice thing to have. There will be spaces for you to use and you will not be left for wanting in terms of furniture placement options. What you should never do, though, is to put a distance between the couches or the seats. Not only this will make your living room too bare, it will hurt if you are going for the minimalist look. The right living room setup (be it minimalist or not) will make use of the space without going overboard with it.

Tag: Minimalist living room, Minimalist interior design, Simple living room design, Living room decorating ideas, Modern small living room, Living room furniture design, Home decor living room, Living room furniture layout, Minimalist living room design, Minimalist living room ideas, Pink living room, Green living room walls, Small living room decorating ideas, Weight watchers recipe, Weight watchers calculator.

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